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How To Start A Blog & Make Money Every Month from it [Blogging Guide]

After all, What’s better than following your passion and making passive income along.
From the last 11 years,  ShoutMeLoud has helped thousands of users like you to start a blog of you own.
People start blogging for many reasons, and some of the most popular once are:
  • Sharing the new learnings
  • Documenting your thoughts
  • Passive income and making money
  • Free gadgets and stuff for review
  • Free travel
Or any other.
Your’s could be one of the above, or some other reasons, either way, blogging could help you achieve your goal.
So, without further delay, let’s learn how you can start a blog today.
A few things:
This is a detailed guide with some theory and practical knowledge. A bit of reading, and a bit of following steps to start your blog.
This is just one thing you need before we start:
  • The name of your domain.
Note: You can always change your domain name in the future if you like.
In this guide, you will find answers to all these questions and will be able to start a blog.
Here are the steps to start a blog:
  1. Step 1: Picking the blog topic
  2. Step 2: Select the blogging platform
  3. Step 3: Pick a domain name & hosting for your blog
  4. Step 4: Install WordPress on the blog (Tutorial is given below)
  5. Step 5: Setup the design of the blog
  6. Step 6: Install the best WordPress plugins
  7. Step 7: Write your first blog post
  8. Step 8: Share your writeup with the world
  9. Step 9: Monetize your blog
  10. Step 10: Drive traffic and gain more exposure
Note: To make it easier for you to take action, I’m suggesting only those options in terms of platform, hosting which are working for everyone.

How To Start A Blog From Scratch and with No Experience

This blog creation guide is created for users like you who are just starting out and knows a little or nothing about blogging.
Within the next few minutes, you will have your blog up and running.

Step 1: Pick a Blog name & domain name for your blog

Domain Name:
  1. Easy to remember
  2. Easy to type
  3. Easy to pronounce.
Just remember these 3 secrets when picking a domain name for your blog.
Name of your blog is the most crucial part for success. A domain name is the URL of a blog which a visitor will use to open a blog.
For example;
A custom domain name is like, for which we need to pay  $12/year. However, I have shared a trick below which will help you save this $12 on domain purchase.
Now, there are a few rules which will help you to pick the best name for your new blog. Here are some of the tips from my experience:
  • Prefer .com domain name above everything else.
  • Your domain name should be easy to pronounce and easy to type.
  • Make sure your domain name should not be confusing to the listener.
You can use Bluehost domain suggestion feature to check if your domain name is available or not. Simply enter any word that you have picked for your blog and it will also show you available domain name suggestions.
My suggestion is to be creative and follow the three rules I shared above. Here are a few things you should not do when selecting the domain name for your new blog:
  • Don’t use a too long domain name. Try to keep it lower than 12 characters. Ex: ShoutMeLoud
  • Don’t use domain extension like .info, .net and so on, because they tend to rank bad in Search engines. I always prefer and suggest to use a domain name extension like .com or .org.
Suggested read:

Picking the hosting to start the blog:

Now, let us build our blog on a hosting.
Web-hosting is where WordPress will be installed. This is a server which stays online 24*7 and all your future blog images, your blog design and everything will be stored on this server (hosting).
That is how your website will be up and running 24*7.
The good thing is, hostings are cheap.
There are plenty of hosting service providers but for your blog:
Bluehost is the idlest choice as it offers everything you need to create a blog. Features like:
  • Free SSL
  • Unlimited bandwidth
  • Unlimited storage
  • Free domain name (Saving of $12/year)
  • Easy to use cPanel.
  • Live chat support
  • 30 days money back guarantee
And the best part, it only cost $2.95/month
 Grab Bluehost hosting for special price
Here is how to buy it:


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